Winata Gautama Law Firm
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To find out the forms required to proceed with your trademark applications, please select the options below. To download the forms, you simply need to click on the form name.

1. New Trademark Applications

For new applications, please submit a signed copy of the following forms:

Local applicants will also need to furnish us with the following documents:

  • A certified copy of the Certificate of Incorporation of Company (Akte Pendirian PT) or a copy of the certificate which should be legalised by a Notary Public
  • A copy of your Taxpayer File Number (NPWP)


For applications that have been filed under the International Convention, you will need to further furnish us with a certified copy of the priority documents, together with its free English translations

Please note:
  • Under the new regulation, each trademark application could be filed for more than one (1) class, with a maximum of three (3) classes.
  • At present practise, the finalisation of trademark application will take approximately 18-24 months.  

For new trademark applications, original copies of the Power of Attorney and Declaration of Ownership forms must be lodged together with the application. As such, please mail the completed and signed forms to:

Winata & Gautama Law Firm
Jalan Pintu Air Raya 36-H
Jakarta 10710

2. Renewal of Trademark Registrations

To renew your trademark registration, please submit a signed copy of the following forms:

3. Change of Name

To update your change of name, please provide a copy of the Certificate of Change of Name from the Chambers of Commerce or other competent authority, and a signed copy of:

4. Change of Address

To update your change of address, please submit a signed copy of:

5. Assignment

For assignment applications, please submit a signed copy of the following forms:

For submissions of applications, other than for new trademark applications, you can either email the signed copy to  This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it   or fax the forms to +62 21 381 3166.

Original copies of the completed and signed forms must also be mailed to our office, for submission at a later date. Please send all forms to:

Winata & Gautama Law Firm
Jalan Pintu Air Raya 36-H
Jakarta 10710